The COPP was established in 2016. The members have identified a list of priorities. Each member chose a responsibility in accordance with his or her talents. They also identified short, middle and long-term objectives. They are considering five facets:

— Offering of the Sacraments,

— Nourishment through the Word

— Fraternizing

— Answering charitable needs

— Greeting and visiting the stranger

Their members meet every two months. When they meet, they go through the agenda, they meditate on the Sunday Gospel and share what the words speak to their heart that day.

They are called from times to times to attend a diocesan meeting or celebration. A pastoral letter from our Bishop Mgr Christian Rodembourg, invites them to meditate and advance one step at the time towards our future.


Jacques Lamoureux, pastor

Louise Bouchard Déry, secretary

Members: André Pilette, Louis Poirier, Georges-Marie Tewfik, Adriana Romanillos, Michel Chartrand (english representative), Pierre Louis Sarr (Warden’s representative)